Sekoya Web Application Terms of Use
Sekoya Web Application (hereinafter referred to as Sekoya) provides the member schools andtheir parents with the service of making application, registration and communication processesover a web-based platform. The developer and owner of the platform is Sekoya Teknoloji Ticaret Limited Şirketi.
Member Schools (hereinafter referred to as Schools or Schools) using the application sign a service contract with Sekoya Teknoloji Ticaret Limited Şirketi.
Users who want to apply and register to member schools will send their contact information andpersonal information to the Schools through the Sekoya application. Schools and Sekoya willhave simultaneous access to this information.
Acceptance and Commitment
To access the application, natural person users (hereinafter referred to as Parent User) will createa Sekoya account. Parent Users agree and undertake to abide by the terms of use in thisdocument.
Parent Users will share their and their children's personal information with Sekoya and Schools when creating a user account and applying to schools.
This information sharing will be made within the framework of the Law No. 6698 on theProtection of Personal Data. Sekoya has explained the precautions and data procedures it willtake to ensure the security of the data shared with it in the Privacy Policy document.
The Parent User accepts and undertakes that the information he/she shared is true and correct, that he/she will not use his/her account for purposes other than those specified in this document, will not use this application for illegal purposes, and will respect the rights of other users andMember Schools.
Schools and Sekoya will not accept any liability for damages caused by users who do not complywith these terms of use and for the crimes they commit.
Intellectual Property Rights
All rights related to the Sekoya application belong to Sekoya Teknoloji Ticaret Limited Şirketi. This application cannot be copied partially or completely, Sekoya brand and logo cannot be usedwithout permission.
User Accounts
Users must create an account with correct and real information. Please take the necessaryprecautions to ensure that your user information is safe, do not share this information withothers, avoid logging on to public and shared computers, if you have, be sure to log out whenyou are done.
Sekoya will not be held responsible for any damages that may arise from the user informationbeing passed into the hands of third parties as a result of careless behavior.
If you think your password has been compromised, please reset your passwords immediately andmake sure that your information in the application has not been changed. Please notify yourschool if you detect anything unusual.
Do not log into other users' accounts without permission. The entrant will be liable for anymaterial and moral damage that may occur due to unauthorized access to someone else's account.
Users must be of legal age. It is forbidden for minors to become members of the application andto introduce themselves as adults.
The information shared with the application must be accurate and real. The information sharedshould not be misleading, humiliating, obscene, should not discriminate against any group orgroup, and should not discriminate against language, religion, race or gender.
The application should not be used for any illegal purpose. In case of use for illegal purposes, allinformation about the members can be shared with the relevant security and justice units.
Change in Terms of Use
In case of a change in the terms of use, active members will be notified by e-mail.
Limitations of Liability and Dispute Resolution
Through the Sekoya application, parents will be able to enroll in schools and make payments. Applications made through the application, educational program registrations made or canceled, contracts signed, payments made are made between the Parent User and the School User. Sekoya is not a party to these transactions and cannot be held responsible for the realization, non-realization, delay, cancellation, incomplete or excess payment, non-payment and similarsituations.
These and similar conflicting situations should be evaluated and resolved between the School and the Parent User.
Sekoya is obliged to ensure that the application continues to work within a reasonable time in cases such as inaccessibility, delayed access, interruption of access. No material or moral responsibility can be placed on Sekoya due to delays. If you, as a Parent User, think that you areexperiencing a problem caused by Sekoya, please contact us at and informus.
Disputes that may arise will first be tried to be resolved amicably. If this cannot be achieved, theIstanbul Courts will be authorized if the dispute needs to be resolved through the judiciary.